If You Like Stats & Numbers Check This Out...

Happy Monday to all! Here’s your daily dose of what’s going on in the land of Guelph Real Estate today. Jess has coined the term “Desperate December” to describe December as the month that, in the past, has had some great opportunity for buyers. During December most people that are about to list their home do so because they HAVE to, not necessarily because they want to. There very well may be an opportunity for those first time home buyers, that have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for prices to drop. I think it’s safe to say we’re at the bottom of the market for this year.

If you’re a numbers person take a look at the graph below:

The starting point is Jan 2022; you can see it was the peak of the market over the last 12 months. Since then prices have gone down, back up and back down again. Bit of a roller coaster really, May had the highest sale price for 2023 at 840k. We’ll likely end the year with prices hovering around where we are currently ~750k.

Take a look at the graph and if you have any questions or concerns we’d love your input!

As for today’s listings click below, it’s small and likely will be for the next little while but who knows, maybe your dream home will make the hotsheet tomorrow! side note: hotsheet is real estate lingo for todays newest listings

Daily Listings Check Them Out Below